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Training Deck
Register for Online Training on
2023-24 AFRC Inspection Report
AFRC has recently issued its 2023 Annual Inspection Report. We have prepared an online training session that covers all common inspection findings and provides compliance guidance on what deficiencies to prevent and guidance on completing the AFRC forms. Let EQC Compliance Advisory help you stay ahead of compliance trends today!
Register now for the Webinar by completing the form at the bottom of this page. For all registered users, the Webinar will be made available through a password-protected access at our website, and will be accessible anytime over a 1-month period, which can begin anytime you wish.
Registration and Payment Details
Registration Fee: HK$800 per CPA Practice (Unlimited Attendees & Viewings)
Language: Cantonese
Length: 5 hours
Flexible Dates: Accessible anytime any any for any 1 month period
Please make your deposit payment to the following bank account after successful registration for the Webinar, and send your payment slip to
Payment Methods:
By Cheque Deposit / Bank Transfer:
Bank Name: HSBC (004)
Account Name: EQC Advisory Limited
Account Number: 521-011973-838
Remark: [Name of CPA Practice]
Get a glimpse on the training content! Download the deck by clicking the button, and see why you must enroll in this training!