What is a Mock FRC Inspection?

We will walk you through the entire AFRC Inspection process, and address the questions that you would be asked in a inspection in terms of your inspection’s control environment, AML procedures and engagement specific questions. The following services would be included in our package:
The typical exercise would be completed in approximately 3-6 months from commencement, and the service would be provided remotely from our office, except for consultancy and training services which can be provided in-person or online. Findings may also be presented in-person. All services set out above may be tailored to your practice’s actual needs.
We are also offering a free training course on 12 common inspection findings, your team will gain access to the online training for a 4-month period and replay the video anytime and anywhere over the access period. Attendance certificate is issued at the end of the 4-month access period.
Complete 100 Audit Programs for Free AND Free EQC Training for 6 months
What services are included?
A. HKSQC 1 & HKSQM 1 Required: Monitoring Reviews
1) Ongoing Policy Monitoring review for one year
2) One Completed File Monitoring Review with recommended
B. Audit Program 2.0 for 100 Audit Engagements
3) Complete Audit Programs using our automated program for up to 100 of your audit engagements.
C. Review of Quality System of Controls
4) Review Practice’s Quality Control Manual (QCM) and AML Procedures Manual, and comply with all requirements of both HKSQC 1 and HKSQM 1 & 2.
5) Review procedures and documentation in compliance with the QCM and AML Manual
D. Compliance Advisory
6) Consultancy on potential questions to be asked by AFRC Inspectors with cheap notes, FAQ and model answers provided
7) Prepare for Inspections challenges and have all your questions answered
E. Ongoing Training for your Audit Staff
8) Unlimited Online Training for all your employees on 11 Key Findings (6-month access)
Resolve these challenges with
a Mock FRC Inspection
System of Quality Management:
- How many audit reports can I sign off in a calendar year?
- What safeguards can I implement if I have too many audit clients?
- My affiliated company also provides accounting services for audit clients of my CPA Practice, what safeguards can I implement to reduce threat of independence?
- How do I demonstrate that my CPA practice is independent of non-assurance services provided by my affiliated company (e.g. TCSP / consulting company)
- How do I demonstrate I have adequately followed up to the monitor reviewer’s findings and evaluated the root causes to identified deficiencies?
- We have audit sub-contractors, how much should we disclose to regulatory reviewers, and what are the potential questions?
Preparation for a Inspection:
- Is the audit engagement with the highest audit fee always selected for inspection?
- Which engagement is most likely to be selected?
- Is there any way to avoid an on-site inspection?
- What preparatory steps can my team take now to mitigate risks and reduce the potential impact on my Practice’s operations when my Practice is selected for review?
- Is my existing audit methodology adequate to close the inspection in one go?
Responding to a Inspection:
- Under what circumstances is a resignation from an engagement considered an effective solution to ending a inspection?
- My practice has limited resources, how can we comply with AML sanction screening procedures without engaging an external service provider?
- How do I demonstrate my Practice has learnt the lesson and adequately responded to inspection findings?

How does it work?
A Mock FRC Inspection will walk you through the whole regulatory inspection process from submission of required documents and manuals, to engagement file selection and the type and method of questioning. We will help you prepare all the documents that you will be submitting to regulators and advise you on the risks and common problems when handling the FRC Inspection.

Safety Net for Mock FRC Inspection
We have introduced a “Safety Net” Promotion to grant your practice with extra protection. Touchwood – if your Practice is selected for AFRC Inspection within 9 months / 18 months from engaging us for Mock FRC Inspection, we will cap the service fees for a Inspection consultancy engagement. This safety net may act as an insurance policy and help your Inspection control your compliance costs, should you wish to engage us to manage and respond to the Inspection.
1 Practitioner
Get 25% and 10% off Inspection Consultancy for notifications received from FRC within 9 months and 18 months (i.e. HK$37,350 and HK$44,820, respectively).
2 Practitioners
Get 25% and 10% off Inspection Consultancy for notifications received from FRC within 9 months and 18 months (i.e. HK$52,350 and HK$62,820, respectively).

Summer Promotion! For only HK$49,800!!
Free Unlimited Training
Free Audit Program 2.0
Call us now at Tel: 9543-3218 to schedule a free consultation.

FAQ's on Inspections
Yes, you will receive a AFRC Inspection notification even if you are practising under your own name. In fact, a lot of our AFRC Inspection consultancy enquiries are from sole practitioners.
No. The Inspection Committee has the discretion to refer the case to the Disciplinary Panel against a Practice Unit for significant negligence, even if it is a first-time inspection.
We have summarised some of the common documents that would normally be requested during the AFRC Inspection. This is not an exhaustive list, and the AFRC Inspector may require additional documents / information during the AFRC Inspection process
- Client list for audit reports issued in the 18 to 20-month period prior to the site visit
- Quality Assurance Manual and Anti-Money Laundering Procedures Manual and documentation to support their ongoing compliance
- Selected audit engagement files for review (usually 2-3 engagements)
- Monitoring review report(s) and completed file review reports
- Organisational chart of the Practice
The AFRC Inspector is more likely to select the following engagements:
- Highest-fee engagement in client list
- Regulated entities / high-risk engagements
- Engagements previously reviewed by the monitoring reviewer
The inspection site visit will usually take 3 days for 1 reviewer, or 1-2 weeks for a AFRC inspector, but the entire review process might take approximately a few months, or even longer. Often, if a practice unit’s first submitted audit file is not up to standard, the inspector has the sole discretion to select more files for review.
In our previous article “5 Ways to Smartly Prepare for a Inspection” we gave some tips on preparing for a AFRC Inspection. Compliance is not an objective that can be achieved within a short period of time, and it requires your ongoing attention.
Do not wait till the last minute. We plan our work in advance and we would often decline last-minute engagements.
EQC helps your Practice address AFRC Inspection findings by devising detailed remedial action plans to demonstrate your Practice’s commitment to rectify past mistakes and respond to deficiencies and findings identified by the AFRC Inspector.
We can help your Practice draft effective written responses to the QAD, revise your AML and Quality Control Manuals and advise on ways to improve your quality control systems and AML compliance, provide custom-made working paper templates that specifically address the deficiencies identified in the inspection and provide online training that specifically address your findings, as well as helping your Inspection to implement these newly revised working paper templates in your other similar audit engagements to prove to the QAD that you are dedicated to improving the quality of your future audit engagements.
We can help review the issues raised by the Committee and the council, and devise remedial actions your Practice can take, and review and advise on written responses to AFRC or council members, addressing each issue raised. We can also assist in the negotiation process through non-prejudice meetings with the AFRC, mitigating the potential sanctions against you and your inspection.
If your complaint proceeds to the disciplinary committee, we have legal advisors with a wealth of experience participating in negotiations, mediations and legal proceedings initiated by the AFRC. These advisors have successfully defended in some recent cases that involved the alleged integrity and professional misconduct of some practitioners at international big four firms, 2nd tier CPA’s as well as local small and medium sized practices.
After the inspection visits, an exit meeting will be held. Usually, a few weeks after the exit meeting, a draft practice review report is issued, and your practice is expected to provide written responses within 21 days from the date of the draft report.
Inspections that successfully close file will need to demonstrate the following points:
- Having very few significant Inspection findings
- Being responsive and cooperative with the inspection teams, including making all information and documents requested available for reviewer within reasonable time frame
- Demonstrating commitment and capability and resources to improve quality of your Inspection and compliance with professional standards
- Devise remedial action plans responding to deficiencies identified during the practice review, that show commitment to act upon them in a timely manner
Remedial actions could include attendance of training courses to brush up knowledge on the latest standards, or recapping on best audit practices, revising quality control systems to improve effectiveness of the overall control environment, and revising audit procedures and working paper templates for future engagements.
In cases where your case file is not closed, the QAD may request a follow-up visit usually 6 months following the issuance of the draft report and may request the submission of another monitoring review report by an external reviewer.
No. It is very possible for small Inspection with only SME-FRS engagements to have multiple significant findings on their reviewer’s report.
It is highly recommended that your Inspection maintains good standards of quality control procedures, audit engagement quality, compliance to professional standards and AML guidelines, as well as improving your staff performance and expertise so they don’t’ waste time doing the unnecessary.
Our practice protection plans are specifically designed to prepare your Inspection for future AFRC Inspection, which include monitoring reviews, updating and revising of QAM and AML manuals, guidance of AML sanction checks, custom-designed working paper templates, audit training courses, and more depending on the plan